Minerals with Fluorapatite from Autoroute 55, Richmond, , Quebec, Canada -- www.quebecmineral.com
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 Quebec Minerals -- Autoroute 55, Fluorapatite

  from Autoroute 55. Click on the specimen number link to obtain more details on the specimen and to see more photos.

Specimens list

CFL-05-001   Fluorapatite On Albite And Quartz
Autoroute 55, Richmond, , Quebec, Canada

Specimen dimensions: 4.7 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm
Crystal length : 14 mm

Two very nice crystals of pale pink fluorapatite from this famous occurence. It is considered as one of the largest fluorapatite from this occurence, one other large ne is kept into the National mineral collection of the Canadian Museum of Natural Sciences, in Ottawa. Found in the A pocket, as referenced by the MR article.


CFL-05-007   Fluorapatite On Quartz With Albite
Autoroute 55, Richmond, , Quebec, Canada

Specimen dimensions: 8.2 x 5.5 x 5 cm
Crystal length : 7-8 mm

Two distinct groups of flurapatites, nested in quartz and albite cavities. The specimen presents nice quartz as well as gemmy twinned albites. Former specimen # 9140 of Dr. S.C. Chamberlain.


CFL-06-010   Fluorapatite On Albite And Quartz
Autoroute 55, Richmond, , Quebec, Canada

Specimen dimensions: 5 x 3 x 2.5 cm
Crystal length : 6 - 7 mm



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